Work smarter - not harder!
Smarter Patient Intake to Improve Cashflow
Verify Benefits/SOS
Quickly obtain details about your patient's coverage in real time

One-Click Eligibility Search
Quickly check benefits on all insurances for your patient with one click.Same and Similar
Stop denials for Same and Similar with a one-click wild card search. Find out details of when the equipment was previously purchased/rented, how many months got paid, who the provider was, and more.Manage Payors
Payer management tool makes maintaining insurances a breeze
Adding/Maintaining Payers
Select the payer, and the clearinghouse is automatically linked.Payer Specific Rules
Efficiently manage rules for individual payers, ensuring that all of your claims transmit without a hitch.
Referring/Ordering Physician Management
Add and manage your physician library quickly and easily