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Choosing the best software solution for your business

Choosing the best software solution for your business means picking a partner who understands your business model and a software package flexible enough to accommodate your organizations needs.  What good is a software package that does 50 things when the 10 things you do need aren’t a good fit?  I recommend making a list of

Widespread adoption of cloud-based solutions

Despite widespread adoption of cloud-based solutions by most industries, the healthcare industry has been slow to embrace cloud computing. bflow™ changes that by enhancing healthcare business in the following ways: bflow cloud levels the playing field for healthcare start-ups and entrepreneurs who previously could not enter the market due to high barriers to entry-primarily adhering

Managed care contract acquisition program

The Managed Care contract acquisition program is one of our most popular services. Healthcare executives find it cost effective and a compliment to their organizations long-term growth and expansion plans. Our team directs it business development and marketing power to key business partners in your coverage area on your behalf. The managed care contract acquisition

HIPAA Compliance & Training Course’s

We’ve released our latest offering for HIPAA continual compliance. The all new “HIPAA 2014 Compliance Training Course” covering the new regulations and rule sets.  This course is a companion course to the “2014 HIPAA Compliance Manual” by bflow® consulting.  The training course is designed to aid the business owner in training their staff on the

Get BFLOW Today!


Intake patients, create claims, deliver with BFLOW Mobile, bill over 4,000 insurance plans in one simplified DME billing software.

Manage patients, create orders, add inventory and more.

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